FAQs & Facts


“How does changing orientation relate to salvation?”

“Won’t knowing ‘who they are in Christ’ change someone from gay to straight?”

“Won’t ‘finding the right woman’ change someone from gay to straight?”

“Is ‘don’t act on those desires’ good advice?”

“Should we let homosexuals into our church?”


Science & Research

“What is this about higher suicide rates amongst married gays in The Netherlands?”

“Hasn’t science proved gay is ‘how you’re born’?”

Actually, science has observed the opposite.


Causes of SSA

“Doesn’t telling men they need to be ‘repaired’ just traumatize them?”

“Aren’t you just blaming parents?”


Treatment for SSA

“Is it possible for anyone to change?”

“Isn’t this just a psychological issue, not a religious one?”

“What do you mean by ‘need fulfillment’?  Isn’t that just ‘diet gay’?”


“What’s your position on bullying?”


“What’s your position on ENDA?”