“Won’t knowing ‘who they are in Christ’ change someone from gay to straight?”

Remember, the Bible says “in Christ, there is no Jew nor Greek; there is neither slave nor free, there is no male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28.  So understanding who you are in Christ is great, but it addresses a need in every human, male and female alike.  This particular aspect of Christianity does not explicitly directly address the issue of gender identity.  It may form a foundation to later address Biblical sexuality, but it does not specifically address the issue of eroticized same-sex attractions.  In reality, becoming Christian does not directly alleviate the eroticization of same-sex attractions.  Instead, since eroticized same-sex attractions are caused by unmet God-given love needs for other people and from traumatic emotional wounds, the path to healing usually takes years of hard work.